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North of Scotland students lift coveted awards

罗伯特戈登大学的一名优秀学生被评为2016年度最佳青年软件工程师. Stuart Whitehead为物联网(IoT)应用开发软件平台的创新项目获得一等奖. The judge considered the project to be outstanding.

第二名是来自格拉斯哥大学的Andreea Lutec,她的项目是开发实时机器人摄像机控制. 来自阿伯丁大学的Ana cicarlan以一项监测结直肠癌的创新电子健康项目获得第三名 .   


The Young Software Engineer of the Year Awards, now in their 27th year, are given to the best undergraduate software projects, 来自所有在博天堂入口学习计算机科学和软件工程的学生.  每所大学从学生中提交最好的最后一年本科软件工程项目.

The Awards are organised by ScotlandIS, 这是数字技术行业的贸易机构,并在来自整个行业的530多名嘉宾面前出席了ScotSoft2016晚宴.


Stuart Whitehead

The Internet of Things (IoT) is the next technology wave, 通过互联网连接传感器,这将有助于实现智慧城市, especially in the use of transport and energy, 自动化控制系统和无数以消费者为中心的小型解决方案将改变我们的生活方式, work and play.

Stuart开始通过创建一个通用的“即插即用”框架来简化物联网软件和设备的连接方式, rather than the multiple systems already available.

The framework has four key aspects : data modelling, data persistence, a data access API and a real-time, bidirectional event API.

This project was considered to be outstanding by the judges, and Stuart received a cheque for £2500 from first prize sponsor Sopra Steria和ScotlandIS颁发的年度最佳青年软件工程师奖.

Stuart from Cove Bay, 阿伯丁在大学期间获得了许多奖项,现在在新西兰工作. 在大学期间,他在阿伯丁的网页设计工作室EQ design和forty - two Studio以及柏林的Edenspiekermann进行了两次实习

Andreea Lutac

安德里亚对机器人及其越来越多的使用方式着迷. 她发现了广泛使用的机器人操作系统(ROS)的一个问题,并决定看看是否可以解决这个问题. Whilst ideal at small scale, ROS在规模上存在可靠性问题,因此工业机器人通常使用定制的技术平台. Andreea investigated using the Erlang programming language, a world leading technology known for its reliability at scale, to address this. 她的项目比较了使用ROS和Erlang两种不同系统的实时面部跟踪, 以证明Erlang能够成功地解决ROS中的可靠性和可伸缩性问题.  

As runner-up, Andreea received a cheque for £2000 from sponsor BCS, and a trophy from ScotlandIS.  

安德里亚在罗马尼亚长大,在格拉斯哥大学攻读本科学位. Last summer she worked at JP Morgan’s software development centre, 今年夏天,她在格拉斯哥大学继续她的研究. She will shortly be starting a Masters in Robotics, 苏黎世瑞士联邦理工学院系统与控制专业. Her work has also won her the BCS prize for best project evaluation.

Ana Ciocarlan

Colorectal cancer affects more than 40,英国每年有5000人患病,接受治疗的患者继续定期监测自己的健康状况至关重要. Ana开发了一款电子健康应用程序(Cancer Aftercare Reporting Engine,简称CARE),帮助患者每周检查自己的健康状况,而无需去看医生或医院.  

The CARE application monitors a patient’s weekly and overall progress, 创建可由患者及其医疗支持团队阅读的自动报告. The patient can use the application wherever they are based, so it’s particularly useful for people living in rural or remote areas. 这种新的应用应该能够更早地发现复发肿瘤和新的原发肿瘤, 使治疗能够尽快提供给病人.

Ana won third prize for her project, 赞助商Edge Testing的1500英镑支票和ScotlandIS的奖杯.  

Originally from Bucharest, Romania, 安娜在阿伯丁大学攻读计算机本科学位, 在那里,她参与了许多志愿工作,包括在城里的Bookends慈善商店工作, and as an eLearning Adviser in the University’s CAD department. 2016年5月,她被阿伯丁大学教务长授予阿伯丁大学百年成就奖,以表彰她在学术和课外方面的杰出成就. She has just started a PhD at Aberdeen.

Graeme Sutters

在旋风式的六个欧洲城市之旅之后,一切都没有按计划进行, 格雷姆决定开发一款应用程序,让游客在当地景点周围规划路线,以免经常往返, and perhaps more importantly get there during opening hours. 他的应用程序会根据用户的喜好自动生成观光行程. 用户输入旅行的详细信息,并对当地景点进行排名. 然后,该应用程序使用调度算法生成行程,以充分利用他们在城市的逗留时间, 尽量减少两地之间的旅行时间,并在可用的时间内尽可能多地游览景点.  该算法还会检查各个旅游景点的开放时间,以避免出现“哦不”的情况!’ moment when you turn up just as the castle/museum/gallery is closing.   

Graeme won the Leidos Software Engineering Award, a cheque for £1500 and the Leidos Rose Bowl was given to his university, the University of Strathclyde.

A mature student from Glasgow, 格雷姆在为博天堂入口银行(Bank of Scotland)工作时发现了对编程的兴趣. Having completed his degree he has joined ACMS Group in Renfrew, 谁专门为废物处理和回收行业开发软件, as a software developer.  

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